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徐帆,男,汉族,1984年出生,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。四川省海外留学人员和高层次留学人才认证,目前为四川省老年医学会学会动脉硬化专委会委员,同时兼任PLoS ONE, Bioinformatics, BMJ Open, Molecular Medicine Report,中国组织工程学报,JvoE杂志评审专家。目前在皇冠体育官网工作,从事本科生和研究生的统计和科研设计教学工作。主要研究方向,听声识图在神经退行性疾病中的运用。近年来,主持校级基金1项,四川省省级大学生创新创业项目2项,校级调研类大学生创新创业项目2项;第一主研身份参与成都市科技局项目1项。授权实用新型专利11项,软件著作权2项,其中以通讯作者或第一作者发表文章34篇,累积影响因子超过30。专著参编4部。


1.云南省教育厅,2020年省院省校教育合作人文社会科学研究项目 《5G时代云南老年智慧云社区的探索》,项目编号:16万;参与合作


3.成都市科技项目,重点研发支撑计划《脑卒中风险预测模型的构建及其在社区人群中的应用研究》,2019-YF09-00097-SN, 100万,主持;








1.Jingsheng Yang,Quanhao Guo,Xianwei Zou,Meng Wang,Yanxia Wen,Xiaqing Chen,Xiechuan WengandFan Xu(2021)Correlation between head tremble and the severity of Parkinson’s disease,CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics,10 Nov 2021,https://doi.org/10.1111/cns.13753

2.Lanying He, Jian Wang, Lili Zhang, Wang Zhao, Xiechuan Weng,Fan Xu^(2021)The length of susceptibility vessel sign predicts early neurological deterioration in minor acute ischemic stroke with large vessel occlusion,BMC Neurology,21, 421(2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12883-021-02455-7

3.XianglingChen, Fangfang Liu, Qingping Xue, Xiechuan Weng,Fan Xu* (2021)Metastatic pancreatic cancer: Mechanisms and detection,Oncology Reports, September 7, 2021,https://doi.org/10.3892/or.2021.8182

4.Liqiong YANG*, Xiangling CHEN*, Quanhao GUO*, Jing ZHANG*, Man LUO, Xiaqing CHEN, Yanxia WEN, Xianwei ZOU^,Fan XU^ (2021)Changes in facial expressions in patients with Parkinson’s disease during the phonation test and their correlation with diseaseseverity,Computer speech and language,online 4 September 2021, 101286,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csl.2021.101286

5.Xiaohui Du, Xiangzhou Wang,Fan Xu*, Jing Zhang*, Yibo Huo,Guangmin Ni, Ruqian Hao, Juanxiu Liu, Lin Liu(2021)Morphologicalcomponents detection for super-depth-of-fieldbiomicrograph based on deep learning,Microscopy. dfab033.https://doi.org/10.1093/jmicro/dfab033

6.Liqiong Yang, Yun Bai, Qing Li, Jie Chen, Fangfang Liu, Xiechuan Weng,Fan Xu*(2021)Analysis of the Curative Effect of Neoadjuvant Therapy on Pancreatic Cancer,Front. Oncol.11:695645. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.695645

7.Liqiong Yang, Yuxi Duan, Yan Zhang, Shuyan Li, Fangfang Liu,Fan Xu*(2021)White Wagtail’s aggressive Behavior on Its Mirror Image,Chinese Journal of Wildlife, 2021. 42(3):879-883

8.Jing Zhang,Xiangzhou Wang,Guangming Ni,Juanxiu Liu,Ruqian Hao,Lin Liu,Yong Liu,Xiaohui Du,Fan Xu*(2021)Fast and accurate automated recognition of the dominant cells from fecal images based on Faster R-CNN,Sci Rep11, 10361.

9.Yunxi Wang, Qingping Xue, Xixi Feng, Guogang Xing,Fan Xu (2021)Research Progress of Optogenetics in the treatment of Neurological Disease,Acta Laser Biology Sinca, Vol 30, No2, April 2021


1.Wei REN, Dong WANG, Huifeng ZHU, Fangfang LIU,Fan XU*(2020)PowerShell-based novel framework for Big health data analysis.Int. j. inf. tecnol. (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41870-020-00559-w

2.钟茜,邹显巍,余建萍,刘晓蕾,徐帆* (2020)脉搏波速度预测脑卒中的研究进展中国临床神经外科杂志,2020年7月,Vol10,p728-730

3.杨金菊,邹显巍,余建萍,刘晓蕾,徐帆*(2020阿尔兹海默病物理治疗的作用机制及应用国际老年医学杂志,Vol 41 No.4, P262-265

4.Shu YANG*, Fengbo WANG*, Liqiong YANG*,Fan XU*, Man LUO, Xiaqing CHEN, Xixi Feng#, & Xianwei ZOU#,(2020)ThePhysical significance of acoustic parameters anditsclinical significance of dysarthria in Parkinson’s disease,SciRep,10,11776 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-68754-0

5.Yan ZHANG, Greg Mirt,Fan XU#, Fangfang LIU#,(2020)The importance of Motacilla Alba behavior on hitting its own mirror reflection,Journal of Zoological Research, Vol 1, Issue 03, p5, DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/jzr.v1i3.1977


1.Zhilong Wang, Jiayuan Peng, Weizhong Chen, Fangfang Liu, Wei Ren Jun Xie, Chenying Yan, Jing Zhong, Greg Mirt, Peter Pohl,Fan Xu,(2019)The Social Hierarchy of FemaleMacaca FascicularisIncreased by Successful Reproduction,IJRSB, Vol7, Issue 12, Page1-7

2.Sha Zheng, Xue Wen, Jian Feng, Fangfagn Liu, Greg Mirt,Fan XU(2019),Understanding of “-omics” of Parkinson’s disease,J Tre Bio Res2:DOI: 10.15761/JTBR.1000114

3.Yuxi Duan, Liqiong YANG, Fangfang LIU, Shu YANG,Fan XU(2019),Are we used the appropriate therapy regimens on advanced pancreatic cancer?J Drug and drug abuse, Vol 1, Issue 1,2019,http://dx.doi.org/10.31487/j.DDA.2019.01.01(CorrespondentAuthor)

4.FAN XU,Fang Fang LIU, Linli CHEN, Jie CHEN, Jiayuan PENG, Peter POHL(2019),Unwritten Rules May Help Subjects Survive,Arch Biomed Clin Res: DOI: 10.15761/ABCR.1000103

5.Ting ting PU,Min HUANG, Jing ZHONG, Greg MIRT, Xianwe ZOU, Jianping YU, Xiaolei LIU,FAN XU*(2019),Oral flora imbalance in Parkinson's disease,Arch Biomed Clin Res: DOI: 10.15761/ABCR.1000104(CorrespondentAuthor)

6.Liqiong Yang,Yijia HE, Xianwei ZOU, Jianping YU, Man LUO, Xiaolei LIU, Greg MIRT, Lei SUN,Fan XU*(2019),Vocal Changed In Parkinson’s Disease Patients,Arch Biomed Clin Res:DOI: 10.15761/ABCR.1000105(CorrespondentAuthor)

7.杨利琼,谢君,刘昉昉,陈建,徐帆# (2019)鸟类鸣叫及生物学意义的研究现状,实验动物与比较医学,2019Feb,39(1), doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674.2019.01.001.(通讯作者)

8.Jie Chen, Linli Chen, Jianping Yu, Yanmei Xu, Xiaohui Wang, Ziqian Zeng, Ning Liu,Fan Xu# and Shu Yang,Meta-analysis of current chemotherapy regimens in advanced pancreatic cancer to prolong survival and reduced treatment-associated toxicities,Molecular Medicine Report,2019.19(1): p. 477-489(Corresponding author)


1.Fan X#, Jie C, Yushuang D, Linli C, Jing Y, Zhongrui M, Jianping Y, Jiayuan P, Shu Y, Wenwen L and Ronghua X(2018),Approaching to the essence of major depressive disorder, Edelweiss Psyi Open Access,2018,2:15-17


2.Fan Xu , Lei SUN et al (2016)Deep brain stimulation of pallidal versus subthalamic for patients with Parkinson disease: a meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials,Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment2016:Volume 2016:12P1435-1444.https://dx.doi.org/10.2147/NDT.S105513


1.Fan Xuet al(2015)Macaques Exhibit a Naturally-Occurring Depression Similar to Humans,Sci Rep,doi:10.1038/srep09220

2.Xu.F, J.Y, J.C et al (2015)Differential Co-Expression and Regulation Analyses Reveal Different Mechanisms Underlying Major Depressive Disorder and Subsyndromal Symptomatic Depression,BMC Bioinformatics, 2015 Apr 3;16:112. doi: 10.1186/s12859-015-0543-y


1.Qinming.Z,Xu F, et al (2014)The Mutual Influences between Depressed Macaca fascicularis Mothers and Their Infants.PLoS ONE9(3):e89931.doi:10.1371 /journal.pone.0089931


1.Xie L,Xu F,Liu S, Ji Y, Zhou Q, et al. (2013)Age- and Sex-Based Hematological and Biochemical Parameters for Macaca fascicularis.PLoS ONE8(6): e64892. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0064892

2.Xin L,Xu F.,Liang.X.,et al (2013)Depression-Like Behavioral Phenotypes by Social and Social Plus Visual Isolation in the Adult Female Macaca Fascicularis. PLoS ONE8(9): e73293. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0073293


1.Xu F,Xie L, Li X, Li Q, Wang T, et al. (2012)Construction and Validation of a Systematic Ethogram of Macaca fascicularis in a Free Enclosure.PLoS ONE7(5): e37486. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037486

2.Xu Fet al (2012)Influence of reared baby or not on the social behavior of female Macaca fascicularis in free enclosure.Acta Laboratorium animals science since.20(3):18-22(Chinese)


1.Xu Fet al (2007)Establishment of spinal cord injury models and its evaluation of neural function after spinal cord injury,J Trauma Surgery, 1:91-93(Chinese)

2.Xu Fet al (2006)Thinking about relevant problems concerning low temperature of intravenous infusion fluids,J Chinese Nursing Research,20(5): 1384(Chinese)

3.Xu Fet al (2006)The progress of cell transplantation in spinal cord injury,J Sichuan Physiology,28(3),123-125(Chinese)



1.Liqiong Yang,Fan Xu,Yi He,Yanzhang Li,Zi Chen,andShuai Wang(2021)Association Between ZNF804A Gene rs1344706 Polymorphism and Brain Functions in Healthy Individuals: A Systematic Review and Voxel-Based Meta-Analysis. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2021 Sep 14;17:2925-2935. doi: 10.2147/NDT.S322114. PMID: 34548792; PMCID: PMC8449690.

2.Wenbin MA, Yingying Li, Chao WANG,Fan XU, Meiling WANG, Yiming LIU (2016)Serum miR-221 serves as a biomarker for Parkinson’s disease, Cell Biochemistry& Function, DOI:10.1002/cbf.3224.

3.Liang.X. Shig.L,Xu Fet al, (2013) ,Normal Thoracic Radiographic Appearance of the Cynomolgus Monkey (Macaca fascicularis);PLoS ONE 2014 Jan8:9(1): e84599.DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0084599

4.Ji Y, Xie L, Liu S, Cheng K,Xu F. et al (2013)Correlation of thoracic radiograph measurements with age in adolescent Chinese rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci 52, 78-82 (2013).

5.Xin.L, Liang.X,Xu Fet al (2012)Daily Time Budgets Of The Capative Adult Female Macaca fascicularis, Sichuan Journal of Zoology, 31(05): 798-8021(Chinese)

6.Fengli Deng, Junxi Pan, Peng Zheng, Jinjun Xia, Bangmin Yin, Weiwei Liang, Yifan Li, Jing Wu,Fan Xu, Qingyuan Wu, Chaohua Qu, Wei Li, Haiyang Wang, Peng Xie;Metabonomics reveals peripheral and central short chain fatty acid and amino acid dysfunction in an aturally occurring depressive model of macaques, Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 2019: 15 1077-1088

7.Yang Zhang,Li-Sha Hou,Wei-Wei Tang,Fan Xu,Rong-Hua Xu,Xin Liu,Ya Liu,Jian-Xiong Liu,Yan-Jing Yi,Tai-Shang Hu,Rong Hu,Tzung-Dau Wang&Xiao-Bo Huang,High prevalence of obesity-related hypertension among adults aged 40 to 79 years in Southwest China, Scientific report,https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-52132-6

8.Liqiong YANG, Fan XU, Yi HE, Yanzhang LI, Zi CHEN, Shuai WANG, (2021),Association Between ZNF804A Gene rsI344706 Polymorphism and Brain Functions in Healthy Individuals: A systemic Review and Voxel-Based Meta-Analysis,Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 2021:17 2925–2935


1.Xu F(Major contributor) 2013 The most current and refined clinical medicine with high-yield questions and explanations. For Advanced clinical examinations and bilingual teaching in china and USMLE.

2.Greg Mirt, Chen Linli, Xie Jun, Yang Liqiong, Zhong Jing, Liu Fangfang, Yu Jianping, Liu Xiaolei, Wang Shuai andFan Xu#, Understanding and Walk Through Schizophrenia, Advance in Schizophrenia Research,ISSN: 9778-81-935757-3-4,Online click here.(Corresponding author)

3.张丽娟,许鸿,田洪森,徐帆(副主编),临床神经疾病诊治,吉林科学技术出版社,ISBN: 978-7-5578-4831-6

4.Min HUANG, Tingting PU, Greg MIRT, Xinyi LEI, Yuxuan JIANG, Yuxian WEI, Xianwei ZOU, Xiaolei LIU, Fangfang LIU,Fan XU#, Weizhong CHEN; Chapter 2. The Reasoning of Dysarthria in Parkinson’s Disease, Neurodegenerative Diseases Symptoms and Treatment, ISBN: 978-93-87500-08-2,Online click here!(Corresponding author)

5.Jie Chen, Liqiong Yang, Yuxi Duan, Tinging Pu, Sha Zheng, Fangfang Liu, Kun Huang, Greg Mirt and Fan Xu (Corresponding author) What Are the New Challenges of the Current Cancer Biomarkers? IntechOpen,DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.89976

6.杜国军,于连玲,张华芳,徐帆(副主编),内科临床常见病诊疗,天津科学技术出版社,ISBN: 978-7-5576-7805-0







5.肌肉组织生长修复牵引器, CN20****824U










15.自动化提取帕金森患者音频中声学参数软件,登记号:2020SR****599, 2020年,软件著作权






