皇冠体育官网  > 师资队伍  ->流行病与卫生统计学教研室


作者: 皇冠体育官网   发布时间:2021-11-22 15:16  阅读人数:




2002-2006 四川大学皇冠体育官网公共事业管理专业学士学位;

2008-2011 四川大学皇冠体育官网流行病学与卫生统计学专业硕士;

2011-2012 美国南加州大学预防医学系进行博士阶段联合培养;

2012-2013 四川大学皇冠体育官网流行病学与卫生统计学专业博士;

2013-2014 四川大学华西第二医院担任助理研究员;

2017-2021 陆军军医大学第一附属医院博士后;

2014至今 成都医学院担任讲师工作。


1. 2009Asia conference on emerging issues in public health,大会口头报告, 香港中文大学,香港,中国.

2. 2011, Society of Prevention Research (SPR) conference, 壁报展示, 华盛顿, 美国.

3. 2013, the 6th international Conference on Birth Defects and Disabilities in the Developing World, 壁报展示, 宿务, 菲律宾.

4. 2014, Institute for International Programs Injury Meeting, 大会口头报告, 约翰霍普金斯大学, 巴尔的摩, 美国.  


1.TERT-CLPTM1L基因遗传变异与胆道肿瘤易感性的关联研究,中国博士后科学基金项目, 2018M6438582019-2021,负责人

2. 基于融合凹惩罚方法的藏族人群原发性高血压亚群定位研究,教育部人文社科项目, 18XJC9100012018-2020,负责人

3. TCF21 基因多态性与四川省藏族人群原发性高血压易感性的分子流行病学研究,四川省教育厅重点项目, 16ZA02812016-2018, 负责人

4. 四川省食盐碘化降标前后甲状腺疾病影响因素变化-基于多组结构方程模型的实证研究, 四川省卫生和计划生育委员会科研项目, 18PJ5732018-2019,负责人

5. 基于子群分析的老年藏族人群原发性高血压影响因素研究,四川养老与老年健康协同创新中心项目, YLZBZ18182017-2019,负责人

6. 小剂量叶酸预防妊娠期高血压剂量与时间交互作用研究,成都医学院自科项目, CYZ14-0182015-2017,负责人


1.Luyao Wang, Youdan Hu, Xin Wang, Shu Yang, Weizhong Chen, Ziqian Zeng. The association between sleep duration and hypertension: a meta and study sequential analysis. Journal of human hypertension. 2020; DOI:10.1038/s41371-020-0372-y.
2.Ziqian Zeng, Jiali Chen, Changfeng Xiao, Weizhong Chen. A global view on prevalence of hypertension and human development index. Annals of global health. 2020; 86(1):67,1-6.
3.Bing Han, Weizhong Chen, Yachao Li, Jian Chen, Ziqian Zeng. Sleep and Hypertension, Sleep and Breathing. 2020; 24:351-356.
4.Ziqian Zeng. Reply to a letter to the Editor regarding the article “sleep and hypertension”, Sleep and Breathing. 2020; DOI:10.1007/s11325-020-02196-w.
5.Ang Mao, Tingting Huang, Huaping Zhang, Weizhong Chen, Ziqian Zeng. A global view on prevalence of diabetes and human development index. International journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries. 2021,41,361-363.  
6.Yutong Wang, Ziqian Zeng, Mingshuang Tang, Min Zhang, Ye Bai, Huijie Cui, Yao Xu, Xu Gao, Wenjuan Ma, Guijun Xu, Lisha Qi, Jingyi Wang, Siyu Chen, Dongqing Gu, Min Mao, Xin Wang, Chao Zhang. Sex Disparities in the Clinical Clinical Characteristics, Synchronous Distant Metastasis Occurrence and Prognosis:

A Pan-cancer Analysis. J Cancer. 2021 Jan 1;12(2):498-507.
7.Guodong Liu , Siyu Chen ,Ziqian Zeng , Huijie Cui , Yanfei Fang , Dongqing Gu , Zhiyong Yin , Zhengguo Wang. Risk factors for extremely serious road accidents: Results from national Road Accident Statistical Annual Report of China. PLoS One. 2019; 13(8): e0201587.
8.Hui Cui, Mingshuang Tang, Min Zhang, Shanshan Liu, Siyu Chen, Ziqian Zeng, Zhuozhi Shen, Bin Song, Jiachun Lu, Hong Jia, Dongqing Gu, Ben Zhang. Variants in the PSCA gene associated with risk of cancer and nonneoplastic diseases: systematic research synopsis, metaanalysis and epidemiological evidence. Carcinogenesis. 2019; 40(1):70-83.
9.Mingshuang Tang, Hongmei Wang, Yitong Cao, Ziqian Zeng , Xuefeng Shan , Lihua Wang. Nomogram for predicting occurrence and prognosis of liver metastasis in colorectal cancer: a population-based study. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2021;36(2):271-282.
10.Jie Chen, Linli Chen, Jianping Yu, Yanmei Xu, Xiaohui Wang, Ziqian Zeng, Ning Liu, Fan Xu, Shu Yang. Meta analysis of Current Chemotherapy Regimens in Advanced Pancreatic Cancer to Prolong Survival and Reduce treatment associated Toxicities. Mol Med Rep. 2019;19(1):477-489.
11.Shu Yang, Alice P Y Chiu, Qianying Lin, Ziqian Zeng, Yafei Li, Yao Zhang, Zhengrong Yang, Lin Yang, Daihai He. HIV epidemics in Shenzhen and Chongqing, China. PLoS One. 2018; 13(2): e0192849.
12.Shu Yang, Daihai He, Jing Luo, Weizhong Chen, Xiaohong Yang, Ziqian Zeng. Simulation of HIV/AIDS distribution using GIS based Cellular Automata model. Biomedical research. 2017; 28 (9): 4053-4057.
13.Ziqian Zeng, Ping Yuan, Yanping Wang, Xi Ma, Jun Zhu. Folic acid awareness and intake among women in areas with high prevalence of neural tube defects in China: a cross-sectional study. Public Health Nutr. 2011; 14(7):1142-1147.
14.Ziqian Zeng, Jun Zhu. Low folic acid supplement intake rate among women in northern China with a high- prevalence of neural tube defects, 2008.  Prev Med 2010;

15.Ziyue Liu, Ziqian Zeng, Yingjun Xiang, Fengsu Hou, Juan Li, Ting Li, Xiaorong Hu, Ping Yuan. A crosssectional study on posttraumatic impact among Qiang women in  Maoxian County  after the Wenchuan Earthquake, China. Asia Pac J Public Health. 2012;24(1):21-7.
16.Ting Li, Jun Zhu, Ziqian Zeng, Yanping Wang, Juan Liang, Ping Yuan. Study of KAP with regard to taking folic acid supplements and factors affecting the recommendation and prescription of those supplements among obstetricians and specialists in women's health in six provinces of Northern China, 2009. Biosci Trends. 2011; 5(3):104-110.
17.  Ziyue Liu, Yanfang Yang, Yunli Ye, Ziqian Zeng, Yingjun Xiang, Ping Yuan. One-year follow-up study of post- traumatic stress disorder among adolescents

following the Wen-Chuan earthquake in China. Biosci Trends. 2010; 4(3):96-102.